Smart Scheduling system with provider interface

First ever platform to offer Real time risk analytics

Real time Cost analysis incorporating predictive modelling

Simplified workflow logic improves efficiency

First EMR to generate real-time clinical and cost outcomes

Real time scheduling

AI platform predicts and determines procedure times. Optimization of OR time with ML platform and maximizes return for surgical centers

C Suite Analytics

Real time dashboard on case mix, volume and outcomes. Real time Cost analytics for budgeting and resource allocation

Built in appointment reminders

Unique machine learnt appointment remonders based on case mix and provider efficiency

Easy to navigate

Cloud based platform compatible with iOS and Windows platform. Mobile platform with App available for interested clients

Inventory management

Built-in inventory management application Improved efficiency for practice managers with automated inventory management

Facility Budgeting

Work efficiency based facilty level budgeting Predictive analytics for budget planning

Real-time re-intervention risk calculator

First ever EMR to provide real time re-intervention risk using unique attributes. Optimal utility of treatment options based on risk scores